Easy Rainbow Craft for Toddlers and Preschoolers

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This simple rainbow craft starts with a fun sensory activity of squishy paint to form the clouds. It’s so satisfying and just one of the fun things that this craft has to offer. Make it on the next rainy day stuck indoors to keep your spirits bright and sunny.

This is a great activity for kids of all ages but especially for preschoolers and toddlers because it’s a great way to practicing fine motor skills as each of the colors of the rainbow is put into place. Older kids will enjoy really making it their own.

I bet you’ve never heard of craft flashcards…Of course you haven’t…because I totally made it up 🙂 As a pediatric Occupational Therapist, I’ve witnessed kids struggle to complete multi-step activities. So, I came up with this brilliant (if I do say myself) way to break down crafts into bite-sized pieces in the form of flashcards.

These are especially perfect for those kiddos who have limited attention spans.

Crafts are such a great developmental tool for kids (improves motor planning, attention span, executive functioning, fine motor skills, language development and more), and using flashcards makes planning crafts for your kids to enjoy even easier.

Just print out a few of your favorites onto cardstock, cut them into the cards with a hole in the corner and place them on a keyring that you can connect to your craft supply bag (which you can fill using our master list of supplies that we stick to for every single one of the projects in the flashcard collection). It’s so simple.

And the best part is that there’s not a screen in sight. Technology is such a great thing, but it’s also nice to take a break from it once in awhile and let the brain explore in other ways. Click the image to learn more about our collection of 100 Craft Flashcards for Kids.

Fun Facts About Rainbows

  • Rainbow comes from a Latin word meaning “rainy arch”.
  • There is no set number of rainbow colors or rainbow order.
  • No two people see the exact same rainbow since they are an optical phenomenon.
  • Rainbows can exist anywhere that light meets water.
  • Earth is the only planet with rainbows.

For more interesting facts about rainbows, check out this article by Love to Know.

Save this Spring Craft for later. Pin it to your favorite Pinterest board…

Simple Rainbow craft

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How to make a Simple Rainbow Craft

We used traditional rainbow colors for our rainbow art, but feel free to choose your favorite colors. For younger kids, this is a great opportunity to practice color recognition.

Check Out the Rainbow Craft Video Tutorial:


  • Construction paper (shade of blue)
  • White paint
  • Glue stick
  • Tissue paper squares (colors of the rainbow)

It’s our goal here to keep crafting with your kids simple and as mess free as possible so that you can get right to the fun stuff. That’s why we stick to a master list of basic craft supplies to make all of the amazing creative projects you see here.

Tissue Paper Rainbow Craft Instructions:

Step 1: Fold the Paper

  • Grab a piece of blue construcition paper and fold it in half.
Rainbow craft step 1 folding the paper in half

Step 2: Make Your Clouds

  • Open up the paper.
  • On one side at the bottom, place about 5-6 small dots of white paint.
  • Be careful not to put on too much paint. You can always add more later.
Rainbow craft step 2

Step 3: Squish Paint

  • Close the paper and press lightly on the paper where the paint is.
  • Open the paper back up to see the clouds you have created.
  • If needed, add a couple more dots of paint and repeat the process.
Easy Rainbow craft step 3

Step 4: Make an Arch

  • The next step is to create the outer portion of your rainbow shape, going from cloud to cloud, using your glue stick.
  • If needed, use a pencil to draw the shape first.
EAsy rainbow craft step 4

Step 5: Add Some Color

  • Begin applying tissue paper squares along the rainbow arch you created with your glue stick.

*If you don’t have tissue paper on hand, tear smaller pieces of colorful construction paper up to create your simple rainbow craft.

Easy Rainbow Craft step 5

Step 6: Finish Off Your Fun Craft

  • The last step is to continue adding glue rows for additional colors to create beautiful rainbows.
Rainbow craft for kids step 6 made with painted clouds and tissue paper square for colors or rainbow

Do I have to get out the paint?

You can skip the paint if you’d like. I know that it’s not always possible due to the messy nature. There are a variety of different materials you can use for the clouds instead. My top choice would be to glue cotton balls on for the clouds, pulling the cotton to make it fluffy. You can also use white pompoms, scrunched up white tissue paper, cut out white construction paper clouds or simply draw them with a white crayon.

Rainbow Craft Variations

The final product is amazing just as it is, but you can also make a couple of adjustments to this easy craft.

To make your rainbow even happier, add some googly eyes and a smile with a black sharpie marker or cut out smile from some construction paper.

You can also turn this into a St. Patrick’s Day craft easily by adding a pot of gold to one side of the rainbow.

Here are some of our Best Rainbow Crafts for you to make…

Rainbow Pompom Mask
rainbow mask kids' craft
rainbow mask kids’ craft
Lacing Cloud Rainbow Craft
Cloud and Rainbow craft with lacing cloud cut out of paper plate and rainbow created with washi tape
Happy Cloud and Rainbow Craft

Save this St. Patrick’s Day Craft for later. Pin it to your favorite Pinterest board…

Tissue Paper Rainbow Craft
Preschool Rainbow Craft made with tissue paper squares and painted clouds
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