Three Scoop Ice Cream Cone Kids’ Craft
What is summertime without ice cream! I don ‘ t know about you, but around here we have way too much of it (if that is even possible). This ice cream cone kids craft is simple and leaves lots of room for imagination and creativity…the most important elements of any good craft!
- Brown construction paper
- Pencil
- Brown washi tape
- Scissors
- 3 colors of construction paper
- Glue stick
- Whatever items you want from the bag for decorating
Stick around here, and you will hopefully learn a few things…1. Crafts are super important for the development of our children. 2. Creating is fun! 3. There is an easier way to mae doing these hands-on activities more accessible and do-able. And we do that by providing a list of supplies to make up your craft kit. Use the FREE printable shopping list of Amazon links to fill your bag, and you will have everything you need to make EVERY single craft on this blog. Prep once, and craft for hours on end. Found a spare minute in your day to spend some quality time together as a family? Just pull out the bag.
Step 1
- Draw a large semi-circle on the brown construction paper, filling up the entire paper
- Find a household item to trace circles, such as a bowl or saucer, and trace a circle on each of the 3 colored pieces of construction paper that you have chosen
- Cut out each piece
Cutting circles can be very challenging for little ones, and your kiddo may not be ready. So, if your child is not quite ready for cutting shapes, allow them to do other parts of the activity and help them with this part. If they tolerate it, help them by working hand over hand to cut one or more of the circles.
On the other hand, if your kiddo cuts lines with fairly good accuracy, let them try cutting a large circle. Here are a couple of tricks for helping without doing it for them…First help them know where to place their hands. You can even put dots about 2 inches apart. These dots are a cue for where to place the thumb as it moves around the circle. Encourage your child to keep moving their helper hand from one dot to the next as they work the scissors around the circle. I also say a mantra of sorts, like “take…your…time…cut…on…the…line” said in a sing songy manner. This helps with pacing while cutting, as kids have a tendency to rush when using scissors.
Step 2-Optional
- Make a criss cross pattern on the brown semi-circle using the brown washi tape to form a waffle pattern
- If you prefer, you can skip this step all together or use a brown marker to make the waffle markings
Step 3
- Form the brow semi-circle into a cone shape and secure with glue
- Flatten the cone slightly, but not all the way
- Glue the circles into the cone, one on top of another
Step 4
- Decorate each of the scoops of ice cream using whatever items you want from “in the bag”
- Yours should not look like mine, make it your own! Use your imagination and whatever items you have in your craft bag…crayons, markers, pices of pipe cleaner, tissue squares, pony beads, pompoms, washi tape, paint…
I cannot wait to see what kind of ice cream you create! Please share your pics at, and we will include them in the gallery, with credit given of course!