Pumpkin Kids Craft: Scratch Art Jack-o-Lanterns

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Today’s craft is a super simple one, though it does take a little bit of time since there is a step that requires some time for paint to dry. (Yes, you will literally be waiting for paint to dry. How cliche.) So, you may want to plan a dance break or snack (or dinner time) after step 2. This Pumpkin Kids’ Craft is so simple and is great for working on visual motor skills, fine motor coordination and visual perceptual skills (how the parts of the face are related to each other). There is a template so that you can trace out the pumpkin shape, but feel free to just free hand draw it.


  • Paper plate
  • Crayons (in Autumn colors)
  • Black paint
  • Newspaper
  • Clothespin
  • Medium pompom
  • Pencil
  • Scissors

When my boys were little, even though I was a stay at home mom for much of their young years, it seemed like the days just flew by. We always had things to do. And those moments of just purely being together, doing the things that really matter, were often missed. One of the best ways to spend time with out kids, both for their benefit and ours, is to do creative hands-on activities. And that is why I started “In the Bag Kids’ Crafts”…to help you not miss those moments! So, just fill your bag (check out the list), and you will be ready when the time arrives. It might just be an unexpected 15 minute break in your day, but you will be ready to make the most of it and build some memories with your family!

Step 1

  • Color the center of the bottom of the paper plate in random patterns
  • Use heavy pressure with the crayon, and do not leave any white spaces
Scrat Art Jack-o-Lantern step 1
Scratch Art Jack-o-Lantern step 1

Pressing down hard with a crayon is a great way to promote muscle tone. Does your kiddo is like a wet spaghetti noodle and has difficulty with activities like maintaining a mature grasp, throwing a ball or imitating motor activities? Then they may have low muscle tone. Putting pressure through the joints is a great way to promote typical muscle tone. So, put the paper plate on a table and let them press down with all of their might when coloring. You probably want to get some fat crayons or use already short and broken crayons (because they will end up broken in this process).

Step 2

  • First, place the plate on the newspaper
  • Then, pinch the pompom with the clothespin to form a “paint brush”
  • Squeeze out some black paint onto the newspaper
  • Last, paint over the crayon with the black paint, covering it completely
  • Allow the paint to dry thorougly
Scratch Art Jack-o-Lantern step 2
Scratch Art Jack-o-Lantern step 2

Step 3

  • Once the paint is dry, trace the pumpkin shape onto the the paper plate
  • Cut out the pumpkin
  • Use an unsharpened pencil (or other blunt object) to scratch the jack-o-lantern face
Scratch Art Jack-o-Lantern step 3
Scratch Art Jack-o-Lantern step 3

I would love to see your kiddo’s versions of these jack-o-lanterns. Send pics (and video) to hello@inthebagkidscrafts.com

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Pumpkin Kids' Craft Scratch Art Jack-o-Lantern
Halloween Kids’ Craft Scratch Art Jack-o-Lantern
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