2 Rocking Birds Kids’ Crafts

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I was inspired by a project that I saw recently from Crafty Morning. Her sweet little love bird was so adorable, and my creative brain went into high gear. I wanted to take that cute little bird and kick it up a notch. Not only is it fun to make the craft, but it is even more fun if you can play with it afterward. Even better, if it can be used with other toys or made to be part of a story. With that in mind, I took that cute little love bird and made it into 2 rockin’ chicks. This just required a couple of little tweeks, and (don’t worry) I will hold your hand through the process. You will love these rocking birds kids crafts and want to make more. Use your imagination and design your own bird…maybe a robin or a cardinal? Or a rainbow striped songbird. Go crazy!

Just a little soap box moment…
Maria Montessori said “Never help a child with a task at which he feels he can succeed.” As our children create projects, it is so tempting to jump in to help them make it “perfect”. But let me just say, your perfect is not their perfect. What is more important than the final product is the process. Let them be messy, let them be independent, let them explore! That is not to say that you shouldn’t assist to correct a grasp (hold it with the fingertips rather than against the palm) or to keep them safe (“Paint is not for eating!”). But be sure to allow them to be as independent as possible. If a kiddo wants to cover the whole bird in paint rather than making a nice pattern, don’t sweat it. If they want to give their bird 3 eyes and 2 beaks, that just adds character. Now, let’s get to creating!


  • Paint (colors of your choice)
  • Paper plate
  • Scraps of construction paper (colors of choice)
  • Clothespins
  • Medium sized pompoms
  • Washi tape (optional)
  • Scotch tape
  • Elmer’s glue
  • Glue stick
  • 1/2 pipe cleaner
  • Scissors
  • 2 googly eyes
  • Hole punch
  • Q-tips

*Supplies are for one double-sided bird

No matter which of these birds you decide to make (or even if you make BOTH of them), you will have everything that you need in the bag that you have prepared using our FREE printable shopping list. It’s an easier way to create with your kids. All of the fun, none of the prep! And when your done with this craft, work your way through the blog. EVERY SINGLE PROJECT can be made with your craft kit that you created.


Step 1

  • Fold the paper plate in half
  • As pictured, use the scotch tape to adhere the clothespins to the inside of the folded plate. These will give weight to the front end of the bird so that he will rock more effectively.
  • Use the hole punch to make holes in the plate as pictured.
Rocking Bird Step 1
Rocking Bird Step 1

Step 2

  • Cut the pipe cleaner in half.
  • Secure the bottom of the bird with the pipe cleaner by putting it through the holes and twisting it on each end to hold it in place. Little ones may need help twisting the ends.
Easy Kids' Craft Rocking Bird Step 2
Easy Kids’ Craft Rocking Bird Step 2

Step 3

  • Use the clothespin and pom pom to make a “paint brush”.
  • With red paint, make clusters of 3 dots using the pom pom paint brush. Paint on both sides of the bird.
  • Using the q-tip, fill in around the red clusters with small pink dots on both sides of the plate.
  • For children who are more advanced in their artistic skills, allow them to make whatever patterns meet their fancy.
  • The blue version of this bird simply requires you to paint the plate blue
Easy Kids' Craft Rocking Love Bird Step 3
Rocking Love Bird Step 3

Step 4

  • While the paint is drying (which happens rather quickly), cut 2 medium sized pink hearts for the wings, 2 medium long and thin red hearts for the tail feathers, 2 little thinner pink hearts for the feet, and 2 tiny red hearts for the beak.
  • For kiddos who are just learning to cut, use a hand over hand approach for helping. For those who can cut simple shapes, draw on the half heart to give them guidelines for cutting. For those with more advanced scissor skills, let them go at it freehand. Be sure to help them only as much as they need, no more.
Easy Kids' Craft Rocking Love Bird Step 4
Easy Kids’ Craft Rocking Love Bird Step 4
  • For the alternate blue bird version, cut a wing from another paper plate
  • Then cut small hearts from scraps of blue construction paper for the beak and feet
  • Cover the wing with various colored washi tape and trim around the edge
Easy Kids' Craft Rocking Blue Bird Step 4
Easy Kids’ Craft Rocking Blue Bird Step 4
Easy Kids' Craft Rocking Blue Bird Step 4
Easy Kids’ Craft Rocking Blue Bird Step 4
Easy Kids' Craft Rocking Blue Bird Step 4
Easy Kids’ Craft Rocking Blue Bird Step 4

Step 5

  • Once the paint is dry, use the glue stick to adhere the wings, tail feathers, feet and beaks
  • Use the Elmer’s glue to apply the googly eyes
Easy Kids' Craft Rocking Love Bird Step 5
Easy Kids’ Craft Rocking Love Bird Step 5
Easy Kids' Craft Rocking Blue Bird Step 5
Easy Kids’ Craft Rocking Blue Bird Step 5

Step 6

  • Allow the glue to dry and then…PLAY!
Rocking Love Bird Easy Kids’ Craft in Action
Easy Kids' Craft Rocking Love Bird
Easy Kids’ Craft Rocking Love Bird

This is just two versions of the rocking bird, but you can make yours any way you like! Here are some other ideas…
You can adapt this bird for various seasons by using other supplies in your bag. For example, make a yellow fluffy chick for Easter by covering the plate with little scraps of yellow tissue paper rather than painted with dots. Paint it brown and give it an orange tissue paper belly, like a robin in the Spring. The wings, beak, etc. can be cut in other shapes or left as hearts. I would love to see your creations! Email me at inthebagkidscrafts@gmail.com or go to my contact page to upload your creation so that it can be added to the gallery (with credit given, of course).

If you like these rocking birds kids crafts, pin them to your favorite Pinterest board!

rocking birds kids crafts
rocking birds kids crafts
Easy Kids' Craft Rocking Blue Bird
Easy Kids’ Craft Rocking Blue Bird
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