Simple Paper Flowers

These simple paper flowers are one of the easiest and fastest crafts you will ever make with your kids. If you have 5 minutes, you can make a flower. So, make LOTS…a whole bouquet. A beautiful and unique collection of 3D paper flowers makes a great gift for someone you love. You can even save…


Easter Chick Kids Craft

The snow is finally beginning to subside, and the sun has been trying to do it’s work. Around here, in Pennsylvania, I have even seen a few buds trying to break through the ground. (Hold on little flowers…it’s not time quite yet.) Spring is just around the corner…at least that is what the groundhog said….

Paper Fox Craft

Paper Fox Craft

This simple paper plate fox craft is not only fun to make but also fun to play with when you’re done. Use it as a puppet and put on a show! And if you like this fox craft, you can also make this fox mobile, this paper plate fox craft and this sleeping fox craft….

Valentine Kids Craft

DIY Valentine Kids’ Craft

Christmas is my favorite holiday…but Valentine’s Day is my favorite crafting holiday! I mean, all those hearts and lovey things. And then you give them away to people who are close to your heart. What could be better? And so, this will be the first of Valentine Kids Craft of many throughout this season. Wasn’t…

Christmas Wreath Card

Christmas Wreath Card

Making a handmade Christmas card is one of those crafts that you can put together quickly, but it means so much to the person that receives it! Wouldn’t you agree it is absolutely impossible not to smile when you get a homemade Christmas card. Try making one with your kids today. You will be so…