Easy Summertime Kids’ Craft: Strawberry

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Learn to make this easy summertime kids’ craft, a collection of summer fruits, using just a few popsicle sticks and some construction paper! Check your craft bag…if you have filled it using my free printable list, then you already have everything you need to make it! No running to the store at the last minute because you are missing that key “ingredient”. I have taken the stress and preparation time out of doing hands-on activities with your kiddos. Haven’t filled your bag yet? You can find the list HERE.

Fruit?!? But kids don’t care about fruit, you say? Well, these fun and colorful crafts might just change their minds. I can’t promise that they will want to try kiwi or mango, but they will have fun making these colorful creations. And at least they are not vegetables. (Hey, that gives me an idea…) They really will have fun making this easy summertime kids crafts! Plus there’s an added bonus…as a collection they make a great framed work of art for the kitchen. You could keep it for your own home or give it as a gift to your favorite auntie! Stick around this week, and we will make all 5! Lets start with the strawberry…

Get this simple triangle shaped craft, along with all of our fan favorites in the new kids’ crafts eBook!

Triangle Summer Fruit Collection
Triangle Summer Fruit Collection

Project 1: Popsicle Stick Strawberry


  • 3 Popsicle sticks
  • Elmers glue
  • Red construction paper
  • Scrap of green construction paper
  • Black pony beads
  • Glue stick
  • Scissors
  • Pencil
  • Clothespin
  • Medium pompom
  • Paper plate
  • Red paint

Step 1

  • Glue 3 popsicle sticks together in the shape of a triangle
  • Repeat this step 5 times at least so that you have enough triangles to make all of the fruit and then some
  • Allow the glue to dry thoroughly before moving on to the next step
    • You may even want to do this step the day before
Popsicle stick triangles
Popsicle stick triangles

Step 2

  • Trace the outside of the triangle onto the red construction paper
  • Next draw another triangle inside that one using it as a guide, approximately 1/4″ inside the original traced triangle. If you aren’t sure if the newly drawn triangle is the right size, place the triangle frame over top to see of you can see the pencil markings. They should be hidden underneath.
strawberry step 2
strawberry step 2

Step 3

  • Pinch the pompom with the clothespin to form a “paint brush”
  • Place one of the triangles on a paper plate
  • Paint the triangle red
  • Move on to step 3 while the paint dries
Triangle Strawberry step 3
Triangle strawberry step 2

Step 4

  • Cut out the inside triangle
Strawberry step 4
strawberry step 4

Step 5

  • Use the glue stick to adhere the paper triangle to the back of the popsicle stick triangle
strawberry step 5
strawberry step 5

Step 6

  • Use the Elmers glue to glue on pony beads for the “seeds”
  • Cut the atrawberry top out of the scrap of green paper
  • Glue the green top on with the glue stick
strawberry step 6
strawberry step 6

If you liked making this easy summertime kids craft, stay tuned! Because we are going to make all 5 colorful summer fruits this week. Each day, I will release a new fruit! Let’s get started with this easy summertime kids craft!

And, if you are looking for some crafts to do with your kids during Sunday school, these fruit crafts are perfect. They would go great with lessons on the fruits of the Spirit.

If you enjoyed this project, be sure to pin it to your favorite boards!

Popsicle Stick Strawberry
Popsicle Stick Strawberry
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