DIY Halloween Decorations for Kids

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These DIY Halloween decorations for kids leave lots of room for creativity…and isn’t that what it’s really all about when you’re making crafts with your kids. I’ll give you the idea to get you started, along with some helpful templates, and you take it from there. You can paint, color, use washi tape, cut out things from construction paper, or whatever helps you make the perfect decoration for this spooky holiday.

And if you enjoy this Halloween craft, you’re going to also love making this flying bat, these not so spooky ghosts, a monster mash game or these Halloween paper airplanes.

Save this Halloween Craft for Kids for later. Pin it to your favorite Pinterest board…

DIY Halloween Decorations for Kids

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  • Paper Plate (9-inch coated)
  • Paints
  • Pencil
  • Newspaper
  • Pompoms
  • Clothespin
  • Q-tips
  • Scissors
  • Construction paper
  • Glue stick
  • Halloween craft templates

A simple paper plate craft shouldn’t take you several trips to the craft store and hours of prep. I want you to be able to craft any time anywhere, whenever the opportunity presents itself…which I know may be rare these days. Life is busy when you have kids. To crafting with your kids do-able, even when life is hectic, we stick to a master list of craft supplies that fit into one bag to make every one of the hundreds of crafts you’ll find here and in our shop. Just fill your bag and craft along!

How to Make DIY Halloween Decorations for Kids

Step 1

  • Choose a design for your Halloween decoration. There are 3 templates to choose from…a mummy, pumpkin or haunted house.
  • Use the template to draw the design on the bottom of your plate about 1″ from the edge.
  • Cut out the design, leaving a ring about an inch wide all around the outside of the plate so that it resembles a wreath.
  • If you choose, you can also simply drawn your own design and cut it out instead. Just use your imagination.

*For little ones, you will want to do this step in advance since the cutting can be very challenging on a paper plate. They will love decorating it though.

DIY Halloween Decorations for Kids step 1

Step 2

  • Now it’s time to decorate your Halloween craft. You can use anything that you want from your craft bag for this step. Here are just a few tips for how we decorated the pumpkin, mummy and haunted house…

Decorating the Pumpkin Halloween Craft

For the pumpkin design, we used paints and just a little bit of cut out construction paper for the face of the jack-o-lantern. Check out the video to watch the painting techniques that we used (in hyper speed). It’s amazing what you can do when painting with pompoms and q-tips.

*Note that to make the lines on the pumpkin, we used a dry q-tip and actually removed some of the orange paint.


Decorating the Mummy Craft

The key to making the mummy craft is washi tape. We chose a washi tape that is mostly white with just a little bit of pattern for wrapping up the mummy. The rest of the decoration is totally up to you. We got out the paints, but you can use more washi tape, markers, crayons, glue on tissue paper squares, or even just

MummyDIY Halloween Decoration for Kids to make

Decorating the Haunted House Craft

For the haunted house decoration we again pulled out the paints. This time we made a plaid pattern on the outside. To do this, use various sizes of lines and weave them together, leaving spaces that are not symmetric. You can do this with markers, crayons or paint.

Haunted House Halloween decoration for kids to make

Turn it into a Halloween Hat

These paper plate crafts can be hung up, from the ceiling or on the wall, to celebrate a very spooky Halloween. And there’s also another way to play with them…make them into hats. To do this all you need to do is fold the decoration up at a 90 degree angle. Then just place it on your head. If it’s a little too small, just cut the circle larger. If it’s too big, fold over a section in the back and tape or glue it. Wear it proud!

Save this Fall Craft for later. Pin it to your favorite Pinterest board…

Halloween Crafts for Kids to make
Halloween decorations for kids to make Halloween crafts
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