Puppy Gift Bags Easy Kids’ Craft
It’s time to get ready for your next kids’ party by making these adorable puppy gift bags. Or better yet, make them at the party for all of your young guests to take home with goodies. And your dog doesn’t have to look like this one. Give it your unique flair and personality. Maybe your dog is a pug, or a beagle, or a cocker spaniel, or…you get the point. Make it your own!
- Brown paper bag
- 2 large googly eyes
- Elmer’s glue
- Black paint
- Scraps of black and red construction paper
- Glue stick
- Black Sharpie marker
- Pompom (medium-any color)
- Paper plate
- Newspaper
- Clothespin
Learn how to make creating with your kids actually possible, even with our hectic schedules. Because you know that time spent exploring with their hands to learn and grow is so important for children of all ages! Plus it is just pure fun! Get the FREE printable shopping list and learn more about the “In the Bag” crafting system HERE.
Step 1
- Draw long rounded dog ears on top half of paper bag
This is a great craft for kiddos that are working on cutting striaght lines and moving toward cutting simple shapes. Be sure to draw the pattern using a thick, bold line to make cutting easier. And then give only as much help as needed. It is ok if the ears are not perfect. Really, let your kid be a kid and even make mistakes. You can always start over again at this point. Without mistakes we would never learn.
Step 2
- Cut out the ears with the bag flat
- Trim the excess from the sides and back of the bag, leaving a flat edge on all sides except the front
Step 3
- Pinch the pompom in the clothespin to create a “paint brush”
- With the bag lying on the newspaper, face down, paint the back of the puppy ears black. Put the paint on in a thin layer
- Allow the paint to dry
- On the front of the bag, paint a small patch of black using the clothespin and pompom “paint brush”
- Allow the paint to dry
Step 4
- Cut a tongue from the red construction paper and a nose from the black scrap of paper
- Use the glue stick to adhere the nose and tongue
- Glue on the large googly eyes
- Use the sharpie to draw in the mouth
- Fold the ears down at a slight angle so that the face is still visible
- Open the bag up and fill with whatever your little heart desires
Tell us how you used your puppy gift bag…filled it with some freshly baked cookies to give to a neighbor? Made them at your birthday party to send home with treats? Had them ready to go for that holiday picnic to hold the plastic spoons and forks? Filled it with dog treats to celebrate the birthday of your favorite pup? Please send pics and stories to hello@inthebagkidscrafts.com. With your permission, we will add them to our community gallery!