Snowman Craft (with FREE Template)

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This adorable snowman craft starts with a paper lunch bag and turns into a fun play things or winter decoration. We used a white paper bag, but you can also use a brown one and just paint or color the front. Give your snowman craft its own unique personality with whatever details you would like. The only limit is your imagination.

If you like this winter snowman craft, you’re also going to love making this snowman mobile, these mittens and this snowman name craft.

craft a week collection image of cover on ipad sitting on blue desk

Nourish Your Relationship with Your Kids as You Craft Together all Year Long…

Fun Facts about Snowmen

  • Building a snowman can be hard work. It burns more calories per hour than riding a bike or dancing.
  • The first photo of a snowman was taken in pioneer days.
  • In 1969, the classic Frosty the Snowman cartoon debuted.
  • A small town in Maine built the largest snow woman know, coming in at 122 feet tall and using more than 13 million pounds of snow.
  • In 2003, the town of Sapporo, Japan made 12, 379 snowman, outnumbering the occupants in the town.
  • To learn even more about snowmen, check out this article by Kidadl.

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Combine Reading with Crafting

The best way that I can think to elevate the crafting experience is to combine it with reading a good book. Here are some of our favorite snowman themed books for kids…


  • Paper lunch bag (white if you have it)
  • Newspaper
  • Markers
  • Construction paper
  • Scissors
  • Crayons
  • Glue stick
  • Scotch tape
  • Brown pipe cleaners
  • Snowman craft template

Crafting with your kids is one of those things that you always mean to get around to but often gets put off. I get it…life is hectic. But, trust me, you will never regret making time to create with your kids. To make it a little easier, we’ve taken a different approach.

Instead of giving you a craft idea that you have to then go out and gather the resources for, we start with a master list of basic craft supplies that fit into one bag. Once you fill your bag, you can make anything that you see on this site…and I do mean ANYTHING. Now isn’t that simple? What are you waiting for? Fill your bag and craft along.

Save this Paper Snowman Craft for later. Pin it to your favorite Pinterest board…

Snowman Craft for Kids

How to make a Snowman Craft

Step 1: Use the Snowman Craft Template

  • Sownload and print the snowman craft template
  • Use it to cut out the parts for your snowman.
  • Once the parts are cut out for the head, glue on the carrot nose.
  • Then use markers to decorate the rest of the snowman’s face.
Snowman Craft
Snowman Craft Step 1

Step 2: Create the Snowman Body

  • If you don’t have a white paper lunch bag, you can color or paint the front of the bag white.
  • Then add other details using your markers, like buttons or a vest, etc.
Snowman Craft Step 2
Snowman Craft Step 2

Step 3: Stuff It

  • Tear strips of newspaper and crumple them into balls.
  • Place the newspaper balls into the top of the paper bag, one at a time until the bag is stuffed but not over-filled.
  • Gath the top and cinch it. Secute it with some scotch tape.
  • Then attach the head of the snowman with tape on the back.
Snowman Craft Step 3
Snowman Craft Step 3

Step 4: Finish off Your Snowman Craft

  • Add whatever other details you would like at this time, like a scarf or hat. Cut them out of construction paper and glue in place.
  • Cut a brown pipe cleaner in half.
  • Then cut 2 smaller piece of pipe cleaner and twist them around the ends of each to form little twig hands.
  • Attach each of the pipe cleaner arms by taping it onto the back of the bag/the body of the snowman.
  • Bend them around to the front and position however you’d like.
Snowman Craft Step 4
Snowman Craft Step 4

Now that you know how to make this snowman craft, it would be great to make him some friends. Make more snowmen and give them different personalities by changing up the decorations. Create and entire family of snowmen and then make up stories and act them out. See below for one story that you can tell with your snowmen crafts.

Check out this snowman story video…

Save this Winter Craft for later. Pin it to your favorite Pinterest board…

Paper Bag Snowman Craft
Snowman Craft for Kids
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