Snowman Name Craft

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The best way for kids to learn is through play. This snowman name craft is the perfect winter craft to teach kids both to spell and write their names. You can use it in a classroom full of preschoolers or with your own kids at home. Stick around for a few name writing tips from a pediatric OT.

And if you like this snowman craft, you’re going to love this snowman bookmark and this fuzzy snowman craft. And give this rocket name craft a try too.

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A Few Tips for Teaching Name Writing (from an OT)

  • Be careful not to put a pencil in a chid’s hand too early. First building up the muscles and coordination of the hand. And practice “writing” in other ways, like moving a finger through sand, shaping play dough into letters, making shapes on a squishy bag, etc. Introducing a pencil too early and negatively affect the development of a mature grasp and lead to frustration for both the child and the teacher.
  • Introduce name writing using all captial letters to start. They are much easier to form. Once that is mastered, upgrade the task to include mixed case letters. We call this “the kindergarten way”.
  • Begin with tracing letters. I like to use a highlighter for this. First write the letter using a highlighter and put a dot where the pencil should start. Then have your child trace the letter.
  • Work backward by writing all the letters and leaving the first letter to be traced. Then leave 2 to be traced and so on until you ask the child to trace all of the letters.
  • After tracing is mastered, have your child do the same with writing the letters rather than tracing.

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  • White construction paper
  • Scissors
  • Stapler with staples (or glue stick)
  • Markers

Around here we believe in doing more with less and making crafting with your kids actually accessible. To do that, we’ve curated a master list of craft supplies that we use for every single craft project you find here and in our shop. It’s like a capsule wardrobe…but for kids crafts instead of clothes. Fill your bag and craft along!

Combine Reading with Crafting

The best way to elevate a craft project is to combine it with reading a good book. Here are a few of our favorite books about snowmen.

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Snowman Name Craft Paper Chain Snowman

How to make a Snowman Name Craft

Step 1: Cut Strips of Paper

  • Cut strips of white paper about 1″ wide.
  • Make as many strips as there are letters in your name multiplied by two and then add at least one more.
  • If your child has a short name, add a few extra strips to lengthen your snowman craft.

*If you cut the strips too wide, they will not make a proper chain. Test the first couple to make sure they’re not too wide. You can always trim them down.


Step 2: Make the Snowman Face

  • Take one of the strips, use your markers (or crayons) to draw and color a snowman face right in the center with it positioned lengthwise.
  • Your snowman can look any way you want.

Step 3: Write the Name

  • On the strips of paper, write your child’s name in uppercase, with one letter in the center of each strip of paper.

*If you’d like to make this a name writing activity, write the letters using a highlighter so that your child can trace over them. I also like to place a little dot where the pencil should start to encourage proper letter formation.


Step 4: Put It Together Your Paper Chain Craft

  • Now make a loop out of the strip of paper that you draw a face on and secure it closed with a staple.
  • Lace a blank strip through that and again form it into a loop, securing it with a staple.
  • Now add the first letter strip to the chain and secure it with a staple.
  • Continue this, alternating between letters and plain strips until the entire name is formed.

*You can choose to use a glue stick to secure each loop instead of a staple if you choose.


Now that you know how to make this snowman craft, it’s time to really make it your own. Once it’s created, go back and add any other details that you would like, like a hat, scarf, arms, boots, etc. Then hang it up so that you can use it to review how to spell your kid’s name. You can even turn a letter to the back and have your child identify what letter is missing.

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Snowman Name Craft Paper Chain Snowman
Snowman Name Craft Paper Chain Snowman
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