Harp Seal Craft for Kids (FREE Printable)

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This harp seal craft is beyond adorable. And it goes together so quickly with the free printable. Some fluff is added with a DIY pompom. I’ll show you how to make it. There’s even a craft tutorial video that you can follow to make crafting even easier.

I bet you’ve never heard of craft flashcards…Of course you haven’t…because I totally made it up 🙂 As a pediatric Occupational Therapist, I’ve witnessed kids struggle to complete multi-step activities. So, I came up with this brilliant (if I do say myself) way to break down crafts into bite-sized pieces in the form of flashcards.

These are especially perfect for those kiddos who have limited attention spans.

Crafts are such a great developmental tool for kids (improves motor planning, attention span, executive functioning, fine motor skills, language development and more), and using flashcards makes planning crafts for your kids to enjoy even easier.

Just print out a few of your favorites onto cardstock, cut them into the cards with a hole in the corner and place them on a keyring that you can connect to your craft supply bag (which you can fill using our master list of supplies that we stick to for every single one of the projects in the flashcard collection). It’s so simple.

And the best part is that there’s not a screen in sight. Technology is such a great thing, but it’s also nice to take a break from it once in awhile and let the brain explore in other ways. Click the image to learn more about our collection of 100 Craft Flashcards for Kids.

Fun Facts about Harp Seals

  • Female seals are called cows.
  • Baby seals are born right on the ice and have a fluffy white coat.
  • They are excellenet swimmers and can go up to 12 mph.
  • Seals mostly eat small fish, and their whiskers help them detect prey in the water.
  • They communicate with vocalizations like grunts, barks and trills.

For more interesting facts about seals, check out this article from National Geographic Kids.

Save this Ocean Animal Craft for later. Pin it to your favorite Pinterest board…

Seal Craft for Kids with pom pom middle

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How to make a Seal Craft

We’re going to keep our seal white, like the adorable furry white babies. But you can choose to change up the colors any way that you like.

Check Out the Video Tutorial:


To keep things simple, we stick to a master list of craft supplies to make everything that you see here. Once you fill your bag with the 27 basic craft items, you’re all set to make any of the hundreds of creative projects you see here.

Seal Craft Instructions:

Step 1: Start the Pompom

The first step is to start making your pompom so that your owl will have a nice fluffy finish.

  • Fold a paper plate (or use cardboard) in half and trim off the sides until you have a rectangle approximately 5″ across.
  • Cut a small slit in the middle. Now you have a pompom maker template.
  • Wrap the white yarn around and around your pompom maker until it is nice and fluffy.
  • Cut a piece of yarn about 12″ long. Then lace it through the slit and tie it around the bundle of yarn. Pull it as tight as you can without breaking anything.
  • Tie a double knot.

*There is a template for the pompom maker included in the seal craft template.


Step 2: Finish Off the Pompom

  • Slide the wrapped yarn off of the pompom template.
  • Then trim it into a round fluffy pompom as pictured.

Step 3: Use the FREE Craft Template

  • Download and print the free seal template. For best results, print it onto heavy cardstock.
  • Once the seal is printed, cut it out.
harp seal craft step 3

Step 4: Add Some Color

  • Use your crayons or markers to add any details that you would like to your seal. We kept him mostly white with some color on his snout and cheeks, but you can make him however you like.

Don’t hold back, make this craft your own with any colors that you like. There are no rules. Maybe your seal is rainbow colored or pink with orange polka dots. Just go for it.

Arctic Seal Craft step 4

Step 5: Attach the Pom Pom to Your Ocean Animal Craft

  • If you haven’t already, cut the slits on the sides of your seal.
  • Place the pompom on the front center of your seal, over his tummy.
  • Take the long tails of your pompom and slide them into the slits.
  • Last, tie it off in the back and cut away any excess.
harp seal craft step 5

How can I add more creativity to this seal craft?

Aside from changing up the colors of yarn and using crayons or markers to add creative details to your arctic animal craft, there are more things in your craft bag you can use to take this craft to the next level.

One of my favorite craft supplies is washi tape. Grab some and cover your seal in all kinds of patterns with washi tape. Or cover your animal craft with pieces of tissue paper. Create a white on white texture pattern with swirls of Elmer’s glue. Once they dry it will be such an interesting look.

What if I don’t have cardstock?

If you don’t have cardstock, use the template to cut your seal out of a paper plate. Construction paper or regular printer paper really aren’t sturdy enough to attach the pompom.

What type of yarn should I use for the pom pom?

We just used basic white craft yarn to create our pom pom. The fuller and fluffier the yarn is, the less of it you’ll need to make a great pom pom for your seal craft. Anything that you would use to crochet would be perfect.

Here are even more Arctic Animal Crafts to make…

Fluffy Snowy Owl Craft
Arctic Owl Craft for Kids
Fluffy Arctic Hare Craft
Fluffy Bunny
Yarn Wrapped Polar Bear Craft
Yarn Wrapped Polar Bear

Save this Winter Craft for later. Pin it to your favorite Pinterest board…

Harp Seal Craft with pom pom center
Seal craft fo rkids with pom pom middle
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