Octopus Craft for Kids

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This octopus craft starts with a basic shape, the triangle. I just love starting with something so basic and seeing where it will take us. And this time it took us to the deep see with this super fun and easy octopus craft.

If you like this octopus craft, you will LOVE this collection of simple crafts that all start as a triangle.

Save this Octopus Craft for later! Pin it to your favorite Pinterest board…


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If you are a hard working parent who would love to find time to create with your kids but just can’t seem to find the time, you have definitely come to the right place. I know how challenging it can be to find time for the things that we love and know are important. So, to make it actually do-able, every single craft you will find here on this site is kept simple and uses the same master list of basic craft supplies that fit into one bag. Once you fill your bag, you will be all set to go! Less prep, less time, less mess!

Step 1: Make the Triangle for Your Octopus Craft

  • Glue the 3 large large popsicle sticks into a triangle shape
  • Allow the glue time to dry
  • *You may want to make the triangles the day before and let them dry over night so that you are ready to go. As a matter of fact, make several so that you can craft away.
Make a Popsicle Stick Triangle Frame
Make a triangle frame

Step 2: Paint the Octopus Art and Craft

  • Place the completed triangle popsicle stick frame on the newspaper and squeeze out a little purple paint.
  • Pinch your pompom with the clothespin to form a “paint brush”
  • Paint your triangle. This may require a couple of coats.
  • Allow the paint to dry while you are cutting out the parts of your octopus.
  • *Tip: Be sure to pick the triangle frame up off the of the newspaper after you paint it so that it doesn’t stick to the paper. You may have to go back and move it a couple of times while it is drying.

Step 3: Use the Printable Octopus Craft Template

  • Print the octopus craft template
  • Then use it to cut the triangle out of purple paper.
  • Glue the triangle to the back of the painted popsicle stick triangle frame.

Step 4: Put Your Easy Octopus Craft Together

  • Again use the template to cut out the rest of the octopus parts.
  • You will notice that there are not 8 tentacles on the template, but you will need 8 all together.
  • Choose what designs you would like…mix and match…until you have 8 total tentacles.
  • Once all of the parts are cut out, glue them in place.

Step 5: Finish Off Your Octopus Craft

  • Add the googly eyes. I chose to use different sizes to give him a little bit of character, but you should use whatever size you think is best.
  • To finish off your octopus art and craft, draw on details using your markers.

Cutting out the tentacles for this project is a more advanced scissor skill. You can make this craft with toddlers if you cut out all of the parts first. Just have them do the painting and gluing of all the parts. For preschoolers learning to cut, have them try to cut out the triangle shape. Make sure that you draw the border using a bold marker to make it easier. As always, only give as much help as is absolutely necessary. It is okay if it is not perfect…really! By doing it for your child, you are only teaching them that you can do it better. So, let them try!

See the other crafts in this series…DOLPHIN, FISH, SEA TURTLE, OYSTER, and CRAB

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