DIY Winter Snowman Card Craft for Kids

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Cards are a good idea all year round. Create them and then give them to those that you love. This snowman card craft is fun and simple to make and features recycled newspaper for the snowman’s face. Grab some paint or crayons to add the snow and simply enjoy the process.

I bet you’ve never heard of craft flashcards…Of course you haven’t…because I totally made it up 🙂 As a pediatric Occupational Therapist, I’ve witnessed kids struggle to complete multi-step activities. So, I came up with this brilliant (if I do say myself) way to break down crafts into bite-sized pieces in the form of flashcards.

These are especially perfect for those kiddos who have limited attention spans.

Crafts are such a great developmental tool for kids (improves motor planning, attention span, executive functioning, fine motor skills, language development and more), and using flashcards makes planning crafts for your kids to enjoy even easier.

Just print out a few of your favorites onto cardstock, cut them into the cards with a hole in the corner and place them on a keyring that you can connect to your craft supply bag (which you can fill using our master list of supplies that we stick to for every single one of the projects in the flashcard collection). It’s so simple.

And the best part is that there’s not a screen in sight. Technology is such a great thing, but it’s also nice to take a break from it once in awhile and let the brain explore in other ways. Click the image to learn more about our collection of 100 Craft Flashcards for Kids.

Fun Facts About Snowmen

  • Michelangelo once created a work of art snowman.
  • The famous artist, Michelangelo Buonarroti, was known to have created a beautiful snowman, but there is no record as to exactly what it looked like.
  • Building a snowman takes a lot of energy and can burn around 238 calories.
  • The town of Sapparo, Japan holds the world record for most snowmen, making 12,379 in 2003, which outnumbered the amount of people in the town.
  • Maine hosted the world’s largest snow woman, measuring 122 feet tall and using 13 million pounds of snow. They named her Olypmia.

For more interesting facts about snowmen, check out this article by Kiddle.

Save this Winter craft for later. Pin it to your favorite Pinterest board…

DIY Snowman Card for Kids

Check Out Another Snowman Craft Video Tutorial:

All activities require adult supervision. By using this site, you are agreeing to our terms of use.

How to make a DIY Snowman Card Craft

Grab the recycled newspaper and let’s start creating this fun and simple winter card.


  • Construction paper
  • Newspaper
  • Glue stick
  • Scissors
  • Markers
  • Q-tip
  • White paint
  • Pencil
  • Paper plate (for paint)

Crafting with your kids is supposed to be fun…and that means fun for you AND your child. So, we make it our mission to keep things simple so that you can get right to the good stuff. Fill your bag using our master list of supplies, and you’ll be ready to make everything that you see on this site.


Step 1: Create the Card

  • Choose your favorite color of construction paper.
  • Fold it in half and press down on the fold for a good crease.
  • This is the base of your card.
  • Turn it so that the fold is facing down.
snowman card craft step 1

Step 2: Tear the Newspaper

  • Find a corner of newspaper that is print only.
  • Tear a circular arch in the newspaper. To make it a little easier, you may want to draw it with a pencil first and then tear along the line.
snowman card step 2

Step 3: Put It Together

  • Use your glue stick to attach the semi-circle to the bottom left cover of your card.
  • Trim away any excess hanging over the edges of the card.
snowman card step 3

Step 4: Add the Carrot Nose

  • Cut a carrot nose from orange construction paper.
  • Glue it into place on the snowman’s face.
  • Add some details with a marker or crayon.
snowman card craft step 4

Step 5: Create the Face

  • Grab your black marker and draw the face on your snowman.
  • Then put a message on the front of your card. (optional)
DIY Snowman Card Craft

Step 6 (optional): Add Some Snow

  • Squeeze a little white paint out on a paper plate.
  • Use a q-tip to tap paint some snowflakes onto the front of your card.
  • As a finishing touch, paint a puddle of snow onto the tip of the snowman’s carrot nose.

*You can also skip the paint and use a white crayon for this step.

DIY Snowman Card Craft with Recycled Newspaper

What kinds of paper can I use?

We keep construction paper in our bag. So, that’s what we used for this card. But you can use whatever paper you have on hand, including printer paper, scrapbook paper or cardstock.

If you don’t have newspaper, you can also replace it with any paper that you want. There are no rules that says a snowman has to be white. Time to get creative!

Making it a little easier…

Tearing newspaper in a specific pattern can be a little bit challenging, especially for little hands. To make it a little easier, press firmly with a pencil so that the paper is scored before tearing. You can also opt to simply cut a basic circular shape instead of tearing. Your snowman card will still turn out super cute.

Choosing the right glue

For this craft we chose to use a glue stick as newspaper is thin and tends to pucker if you use a white school glue, like Elmer’s. If you only have Elmer’s on hand, put on a thin coat. You can even use a paint brush or pompom to smooth it out.

Here are even more Snowman Crafts to make…

Paper Plate Lacing Snowman
Ppaer plate snowman craft for kids
Paper Bag Snowman with FREE Template
Snowman Craft made from a paper lunch bag
Puffy Pompom Snowmen
snowman craft for kids

snowman craft for kids

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DIY Snowman Card
Snowman Craft Card for Kids
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