Musical Instruments Kids’ Crafts

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The best part of any craft is what you can do with it when it is done. These musical instruments kids’ crafts are not only fun to make but even more fun to play with when they are done. Of course, you might want to send your little ones off to grandma and grandpa’s with these newly created toys (or maybe that sibling who insisted on giving your kids the noisiest toys when they were little)…because things are about to get very MUSICAL.

Project 1: Tambourine

tambourine musical instrument
tambourine musical instrument


  • 2 Paper plates (9-inch coated)
  • Stapler with staples
  • Pony beads
  • Markers
  • Glue stick
  • Tissue paper squares
  • Optional: hole punch, pipe cleaners

Just like EVERY craft from this site, the crafts on this page are made from the MASTER LIST of craft supplies that we use for every project. With this approach, it takes simplifies the process of creating with your family, removes the extensive prep and stress that can be an obstacle. Fill your bag so that you are ready to go…

Step 1

  • Place pony beads on the one of the plates
tambourine step 1
tambourine step 1

Step 2

  • Sandwich the second plate on top of the first
  • Secure closed with staples
tambourine step 2
tambourine step 2

Using a stapler is a great way to work on hand strength! When a child’s hands are weak it can make things like hold a pencil, play ball, or manipulating clothing fasteners very difficult. It is one of the things that we focus on in the FREE mini course on how to help your child hold a pencil better. Learn more…

Step 3

  • Decorate the tambourine with markers and tissue paper squares as desired
  • Optional: Use the hole punch to make holes around the outside of the tambourine, approximately 1 inch apart. Swirl the pipe cleaners through the holes for decoration.
tambourine step 3
Mtambourine step 3
tambourine step 3
tambourine step 3

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musical instruments kids crafts
tambourine kids craft

Project 2: Rattle Drum


  • 2 Paper plates (9-inch coated)
  • Stapler with staples
  • Pony beads
  • White yarn
  • Markers
  • Scissors

Step 1

  • Cut 2 pieces of white yarn approximately 8 inches long
  • For each, tie a pony bead to the end of the yarn and string on an additional 7-10 beads
  • Tie a knot in the end of each piece of yarn
rattle drum step 1
rattle drum step 1

Step 2

  • Sandwich the plates together and staple around the edges
  • Slide the beaded yarn on each side of the plates and staple in place so that the knot is trapped by the staple
rattle drum step 2
rattle drum step 2

Step 3

  • Decorate the rattle drum with the markers
rattle drum step 3
rattle drum step 3

When you are done making your musical instruments kids’ crafts, I would love to see them! Send your story, videos, songs your write and sing, pics to And I will share them to my community gallery, with credit given of course.

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rattle drum
rattle drum
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