Letter Y Crafts for Toddlers

Letter Y Crafts for Toddlers starting with this YoYo craft from a paper plate
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For our letter Y crafts for toddlers, let’s start with a simple paper plate yoyo craft. We used a 9-inch plate, but you can also make this craft using a smaller 6-inch plate if that’s what you have on hand. Then keep reading for our list of more letter y crafts for preschoolers and toddlers and get the links. If you made one every day for a week, they’re really know all about the letter Y…how it looks, how it sounds, and some words that start with Y. Learning can be so much fun, especially when you add crafting!

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Letter Y Crafts for Toddlers YoYo Paper Plate Craft

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  • Paper plate
  • Pipe cleaner (or short piece of yarn)
  • Scotch tape
  • Black Sharpie marker
  • Crayons or markers

I love a nice simple craft, and this one definitely meets the criteria. Not only does it only take a few steps to complete, but it also takes only a few supplies from your kids’ craft bag. And, as always, the supplies used are part of our master list of craft supplies that we use for every creative project here. We stick to this list so that you will be able to craft with your kids whenever you find yourselves with a little free time. Just fill your bag using our master list, which you can download HERE, and you’re ready to make anything that you find on this site or in our SHOP. Happy crafting!!!

How to Make a YoYo Craft

Step 1: Decorate Your Paper Plate YoYo

  • Place a paper plate bottom side up.
  • Write a large letter “Y” on the plate using your black Sharpie marker. Either an adult can do this step or you can draw a dashed letter “Y” for your toddler to trace. If you choose tracing, be sure to instruct your child about proper letter formation and use hand over hand assistance. You may ever choose to trace the letter with a finger instead of a crayon. Placing a crayon or pencil in a child’s hand too early can be detrimental to their writing development in the long run.
  • Decorate your “yoyo” however you would like using markers or crayons. I like like to break the crayons to promote a pincer grasp.
letter y crafts for toddlers paper plate yoyo step 1

Step 2: Add the String

  • Once the yoyo is decorated, all that is left to do is to give it a string.
  • For this step we used a pipe cleaner and formed a loop at one end.
  • Then tape the other end to the back of the plate.

*You can also use a short piece of yarn for this step instead. If you do this, be sure to use a short piece so that it does not become a choking hazard for your child. And, as always, all crafting and folow-up play is to be supervised by an adult.

Yoyo craft step 2

More Letter Y Crafts for Toddlers

One of the best “Y” words to help toddlers and preschoolers learn this letter is the word “yellow”. And really, you can make just about anything yellow. Some of these are already yellow and others can be adjusted to use the color yellow, like the flower pouches and the acorn puppets (note the one in yellow in the picture). Here are some crafts that you use for “Y” is for “yellow”.

Another word that starts with “Y” that is a lot of crafts for preschoolers is “yarn”. All of these crafts include yarn for you to use as a “Y” is for “yarn” craft idea…

And here’s a great book to help your little one work on letter recognition in a fun way. This scan and find type of activity is great for improving visual perceptual skills.

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YoYo Paper Plate Craft for Preschool
Learn Letter Y Craft for Kids YoYo Craft for Toddlers
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