Fun With Shapes Artwork

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I think the best crafts also teach. Of course, in my opinion, every craft has something to teach our kids, but this one happens to be a little more academic than most. It is an interactive way to teach shapes, colors, and sizes. And then we just add a little imagination to make this amazing fun with shapes artwork!

Craft Flashcards


  • Construction paper in variety of colors
  • Scissors
  • Glue stick
  • Cotton (optional)
  • Elmer’s glue (optional)

Of course, this shape artwork takes just a few basic supplies. Honestly, if you had nothing more than printer paper and crayons, you could make a version of this project. Not all of the crafts on this site are quite this simple. After all, I want to challenge your kids to be challenged and push their creativity. But you will find that EVERY craft here is made from the same master list and is intended for kids to make (not adults). This is very intentional, because it blesses my heart to see you all creating together as families. I just hope that this approach makes it SO MUCH EASIER!

Find out what to put in your bag…

Step 1: Cut out shapes

  • Cut shapes out of different colors of construction paper. Vary them in size, shape and color.

*For little ones who haven’t yet learned to cut, prepare this step in advance.

Fun with Shapes
creating with shapes

This is a great craft for learning the names of shapes, colors and size differences. Plus, it is also good for practicing those scissor skills since we are just cutting very basic shapes. So, as you make this craft with your child, incorporate some learning. (Caution: but be careful not to take over the project. Still let them create and use their imaginations, please!)

I could give you all kinds of tips here about learning to use scissors, but let me just give you one for now. One of the biggest mistakes that kids make when moving from just cutting across a paper to cutting out actual shapes is that they rush. To help a child pace themselves, try singing a mantra while they cut. Start it before they start to cut, even having them open and close their scissors to the rhythm of the song. It should go something like this…take…your…time…cut…on…the…line. And said in a very sing songy, slow, rhythmic way.

One more thing, if you are working with a kiddo who is learning to cut basic shapes, go over the lines they have drawn with a bold marker to make them easier to cut out. And if your little one is just learning to open and close the scissors, snipping things like the edge of the sun or grass is a great warm up to more mature use of scissors. Let them try! After all, what’s the worst that can happen…you just have to cut out another shape. Kids learn best by trying, and even failing, getting better and better each time they try again.

Here is a great post on a few more activities you can do to practice scissor skills:

Step 2: Make your art

  • Get out a background piece of paper. I chose light blue, but you can pick whatever color is your favorite.
  • Now get the shapes that you have cut out and move them around the page until you have the picture that you want. It does not have to be a scene like mine. You can make a robot or a unicorn or just an abstract group of shapes that look pretty. Make slight adjustments with your scissors as needed.
  • Glue everything in place where you have it.
  • Add details from your bag as you choose, like the cotton clouds that I added. Again, use your imaginations and dig into your craft bag to see what else you have to finish your unique work of art.

More Paper Crafts for Kids to Try

We love paper crafts so much. You can check out this article for 100 paper craft ideas.

Happy Crafting!


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